
Monterey Car Week: 2023

August 25, 2023
Monterey Car Week: 2023
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It has happened.

This past Sunday, a 1994 Lamborghini Diablo SE30 drove over the ramp at the 19th annual Pebble Beach Concours D’Elegance to accept its class award.

Overall, the weekend was indicative of a new dawn. Yet again this year, the changing of the guard remained palpable.

At the major auction houses, RM Sothebys and Gooding & Co: rooms filled with excited bidders for the next generation of collector cars. Supercars from the 1980s, 1990s and the last generation of non-hybrid, manual transmission cars continued to shatter records and shake the crowds.

The industry continues to morph. At once, the landscape is simultaneously evolving in perceptible and nuanced shifts, and this once elitist pastime now welcomes - and captivates - the world. All ages, all races and all genders. New auctions, new dates, unrealistic sellers. Everything, everywhere, all at once. It is very complex and somewhat confusing. But, if you look closely, there is a story to be told, a narrative unfolding. The cream rises to the top, and the changing of the guard is here.

Giving us a glimpse into the future generations, streets are filled with “car spotters” who are regurgitating details and facts about the myriad of hyper-cars and Supercars around town. And adjacent, traditional and budding enthusiasts congregate alike, discussing unique specifications, horsepower numbers and more.

The most frustrating part of the idealistic Monterey Car Week is the overwhelming amount of auctions and events all happening in tandem. That being said, it is also the most exciting part of the evolution. While many collectors and naysayers complain about some cars not meeting their auction estimates or some cars not selling, let’s face it, the hobby is exploding and the auction companies are figuring it out. In fact, we all are.

This article isn’t meant to argue these cars as an asset class, or to claim they will continue to rise in value. We are here. Now, let’s just focus on the hobby, our passions and our pursuits.

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